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Healthy Meal Choices for College Students

Content by: NCES, Inc.

It's inevitable! College encourages fast-paced meals and eating out. Fast foods are usually are high in unhealthy fats, sodium and unnecessary calories. Make great habits...Read More!

Healthy Meal Choices for College Students


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Keep restaurant foods to 3 times a week!
If you choose to eat, choose side dishes that add nutritious choices to the meal.

Choose broiled or grilled chicken or fish.
Always ask for sauces and dressings on the side, so you can use just what you need.

Substitute a salad for the fries.
If you choose a salad as a meal, make sure that it has a protein source (chicken, eggs, beans, etc.). Add a slice of bread or a roll to the salad to make a more filling and well-balanced meal.

Order a hamburger rather than a cheeseburger.
Cheese adds more unhealthy saturated fat and increases the sodium content.

Don’t supersize your fast food meals.
Extra calories are typically unnecessary. Consider a salad instead instead of fries.

Choose water or skim milk as your beverage instead of sodas.
Water is free so you’ll save on the cost! Milk or even chocolate milk will give you a more nutritious beverage without the caffeine or carbonation.

Enjoy deli sandwiches with lean meats & lots of veggies.
Choose low fat meats, such as turkey/ chicken breast, roast beef and ham. Include lots of fresh veggies on the sub and keep the dressings light.

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