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Food n' Fitness Kid Connection: Get Active

Content By: NCES, Inc.

Get active, everyday! A great classroom activity that helps kids learn the importance of physical activity.

Food n' Fitness Kid Connection: Get Active


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I know that you all like to run and play, I see you moving everyday. Not only are running, jumping, and dancing fun, they are also great for your body! Being active helps keep your body healthy in many ways:

• Keeps your heart strong • Makes your bones strong • Gives you more energy • Makes your lungs strong • Keeps your arteries and veins clear • Keeps your brain healthy and thinking • Plus, it is great fun

Did you know that you need at least 60 minutes (that’s 1 hour) of activity a day? That means you need to be running, playing, climbing, biking, dancing, swimming or any other fun movement for 1 hour everyday, but it doesn’t have to be done all at the same time. You can do some in the morning at recess, in PE class and some in the afternoon at recess and after school, it will all add up and a healthier you. It is good to vary your activities. Choose from Aerobic activities like, dancing, biking, playing soccer, running – aerobic activities speed up your heart rate and breathing, which is important for your heart and lungs; strength activities like push-ups, crunches, and heel raises help build and maintain bones and muscles; and flexibility activities like stretching, karate or ballet, help keep your body flexible, which reduces risk of injuries. Mix it up and remember to pick activities you like to do – have fun and be active everyday!

Track It Activity:
As a class track how active you are during the school day – keep a chart and mark the time the class spends at recess, PE and other active moments during the school day. Also ask students to track how active they are before and after school. They can track their activity by using the Healthy Score Card. Encourage students to find more ways to be active and keep track of your physical activity through the day too. Also ask students to track how active they are before and after school.

Quick Tips:

☝🏽 Use the tracker to record one healthy behavior per day of the week.

Next Steps:

📝 Use the Healthy Scorecard to track healthy behaviors.
✔️ Track one behavior at a time!

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